Playgarden Doodles – designs for kids

You’re almost there… See all of my designs –
Enter my Store at Zazzle: Enter my Playgarden Doodles Store

Black and White Playgarden Doodles Designs

Playgarden Doodles – Media Free Shirts
It can be tough these days to find simple kids shirts without media characters or company logos.  We know because as Waldorf parents – we’ve had to search.  If you’re looking for a fun or sweet design on an Organic Tee Shirt – then our PlayGarden Doodles store at Zazzle may be for you.  We create hand drawn designs and Zazzle prints them on cotton tees, onesies and gifts. The twist? You can customize each design with your own text and/or images. Organic and conventional cotton shirts for Kids, Babies & Adults with hand drawn designs — printed in California – perfect for Waldorf families who are looking for mass media free clothing.

See all of my designs –
Enter my Store at Zazzle: Enter my Playgarden Doodles Store